The most comprehensive list of eCourses in European research funding and beyond to access immediately (now): These courses are based on live recordings and they are directly accessible at any time. Participants can access them immediately at their own pace. The content is continually updated and live follow-up Q&A sessions are organised remotely at fixed dates where participants can attend live and ask any questions they wish to be further clarified related to the course topic and not only.
We just list the eCourses that are available now for anyone from your community to access them now and follow at their own pace.
- The most comprehensive e-Course on Horizon Europe that covers all its sub-programmes (Good introduction with tips and best practices for all pillars from 35 top experts
- How to write successful ERC proposals step-by-step
- Successful ERC Interview sessions based on O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M. Formula
- Develop winning grant applications for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Develop winning grant applications for MSCA Doctoral Networks
- How to deal successfully with Horizon Europe - Understanding it and preparing collaborative grant applications
- Intelligence behind the Pillar II/6 Clusters for success in collaborative Horizon grant applications
- Building winning Horizon Europe collaborative proposals (Pillar 2) - Section per Section
- [Revised version] Deal successfully with the Impact in Horizon Europe
- How to deal successfully with EIC Transition Fund
- How to deal successfully with the EIC Pathfinder Fund
- How to develop a successful Teaming proposal under Widening
- Financial Management and Dealing successfully with EC audits
- Project Management of highly innovative and ambitious EU funded projects
- Innovation Management of highly ambitious EU funded projects
- How to deal successfully with Erasmus plus grant applications
- How to exploit successfully EU Funds
- How to evaluate and guide for success collaborative grant applications in Horizon Europe
- Speed reading for understanding, retaining and recalling larger information and transforming it into knowledge
eCourse on understanding the whole Horizon Europe structure based on VIP Pass for the 1st Virtual Summit on Horizon Europe
Access to recordings and training material from top experts on
- How to deal successfully with the Impact section in an Horizon Europe Grant application
- Successful Interview techniques for ERC and EIC final evaluation stage
- Tips and best practices on proposals for all 6 clusters in Pillar 2 in Horizon Europe
- Tips and best practices on dealing successfully with the WIDENING actions
- Tips and best practices on dealing successfully with each of the EIC actions
- Tips and best practices on dealing successfully with each of the MSCA actions
eCourse on developing successful Horizon Europe Proposals & Strategies
For two days (~ 13 hours live recording), from the comfort and safety of your own space and at your own time, you will have the opportunity to participate in the most practical and up to the point with specific actions and strategies webinar on Horizon Europe.
Almost everyone active in the European and Research Area talks about Horizon Europe by mostly repeating what the European Commission presents and just following the developments. But now it is the best time to take actions intelligently and apply specific strategies for exploiting ahead of the competition the most ambitious European Research and Innovation programme and have a great start with Horizon Europe.
Among others, you will master in specific 10 unique skills/resources.
Follow-up live Q&A sessions
eCourse on developing successful ERC proposals
This e-course takes place fully online based on recordings of live training. You can follow it at your own pace and you will need one full day for completing it. This live eCourse is out of the ordinary ones since it is compacted with practical examples and step-by step approaches in order to develop a winning ERC grant application. In specific by the end of the training you will master the full recipe in detail on how to develop a winning ERC grant application
Follow-up live Q&A sessions
eCourse on dealing successfully as partner or coordinator in any of the 6 clusters in Horizon Europe pillar 2
In this one full-day workshop based on live recordings, you will master how to identify and exploit specific intelligence behind any call in each of the six clusters and join or initiate winning proposals.
In detail you will master the following for specific call(s) of your choice:
- How to create a great idea for a specific call under pillar 2
- Whom to connect with for getting feedback on your idea
- Pitfalls and musts that you should know related to your targeted call topic
- How to build a proposal summary that rocks related to your proposal idea
- How to attract the best partners on board
- How to identify and join competitive consortia related to your targeted call topic
- How to build the main elements of a proposal related to your targeted call topic
- Follow-up Q&A session
How to build an Horizon Europe grant application section-per-section
In this eCourse based on live recordings, you will master the following
- Techniques and best practices for developing a great Excellence section for your application
- Techniques and best practices for developing the most suitable Impact strategy based on your solution excellence
- Techniques and best practices for developing the most suitable implementation strategy based on your solution excellence
- Live Follow-up Q&A session
eCourse on EU Funds
EU funded Projects Planning & Management is based on live recordings and follow-up live Q&A sessions
- Understanding the EU funding landscape and how to exploit it
- Realising the opportunities ahead for the new programming period 2021-2027
- Mastering the full proposal development cycle
- How to connect and attract the champions in EU funding
- How to get invited as partner in highly promising EU funding proposals
- How to impress the evaluators with your grant application
- Tools and templates on planning and developing your project
- Familiarise with the best project management methodology for European Funded projects that is also open access and endorsed by European Commission
- Mastering the financial and contract management of EU funded projects
- Continually updated
- Follow-up Live Q&A sessions
eCourse on Financial Management of European Funded Projects &
EC Auditing
The course is based on live recordings and there are also follow-up live Q&A sessions. The ultimate aim of this course is for participants not only to understand the full recipe with detailed steps on how to apply sound financial management practices but also to build them with confidence, energy and joy for developing an audit-proof approach.
Continually updated
Follow-up live Q&A sessions
eCourse on developing successful grant applications for TEAMING actions under WIDENING programme
In this training you will master the following
- The intelligence behind the knowledge and documentation on TEAMING
- Activities, tips and best practices for success in Teaming calls
- How to build a winning TEAMING proposal
- How to impress the evaluators with your TEAMING grant application
- Follow-up Q&A session
eCourse on Project Management of European Research Projects
This training will transform you into a leading project manager of EU funded projects that delivers results of high scientific, economic and social impact. For the first time, there is a course that focuses on practical steps and tools without using any of the established project management methodologies that add a lot of jargon, administration work-load as well as confusion to the project consortium and no-one uses in reality.
eCourse on successful ERC Interview sessions
based on
O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M. Formula
As you know, as soon as the PI is invited for an interview after applying for a CoG/StG/AdG , you have approximately 40% chances to receive the grant. Since it is still 60% possible to fail to receive the grant mainly due to the fact that you haven't impressed the panel members during your interview.
In the ERC interview, you have a unique chance to help out the experts on your side, by pitching your talk to the non-experts. We will train the Principal Investigator (PI) on what to say (their words), how to say it (their voice) and how to look (their body language) based on our O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M. formula.
Become an OpenCosmos and participate at this course for free
eCourse on Step-by-step strategies for mastering Erasmus Plus Programme
Master the strategies for developing winning Erasmus Plus proposals
No matter what is your experience in European Funding Programmes related to education, in this training taking place in real-time via zoom, you will master at least the following such as
- How to create a great idea for a specific call in Erasmus Plus
- Whom to connect with for getting feedback on your idea
- Pitfalls and musts that you should know related to your targeted call topic
- How to build a proposal summary that rocks related to your proposal idea
- How to attract the best partners on board
- How to identify and join competitive consortia related to your targeted call topic
- How to build the main elements of a proposal and impress the evaluators
eCourse on Innovation Management in European Research Projects
In this training based on live recordngs, you will master the following Innovation management components
- Use case validation
- Dissemination and Exploitation
- Market Analysis & Surveilance
- Technology Transfer (Incl. IPR)
- Impact Assessment
- Standardisation
- Policy Influence
- Industrialisation
- Commercialisation
- Revenue Generation
- Follow-up live Q&A session
eCourse on Impact in Horizon Europe
This eCourse is based on live recordings and follow-up live Q&A sessions. You will master the following:
- Public resources related to Impact in Horizon Europe and exploit them to your advantage
- Action plans (Tips and best practices) related to the expected impacts in Horizon Europe workprogrammes
- How to impress evaluators with your Impact section in the proposal grant application of Horizon Europe
- Continually updated
- Follow-up live Q&A sessions
eCourse on Step-by-step strategies for mastering EIC Transition grant applications
Master the strategies for developing winning EIC Transition proposals
Master in half-day in total how to develop a winning EIC Transition grant Application
- The intelligence behind the EIC Transition
- How to change your mindset from research to business
- How to deal successfully with the Excellence section in an EIC
- Transition grant application
- How to deal successfully with the Impact section in an EIC
- Transition grant application
- How to deal successfully with the Implementation section in an EIC Transition grant application
It is full of tips and best practices and suitable also for potential applicants who either develop a proposal from scratch or they re-submit their own.
eCourse on Step-by-step strategies for mastering EIC PATHFINDER grant applications
Master the strategies for developing winning EIC PATHFINDER proposals
Master in half-day in total how to develop a winning EIC Transition grant Application
- What is the difference between Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator in EIC and which is best for you
- How to exploit specific information for your Pathfinder application
- How to set-up the best consortium for your Pathfinder application
- How to deal successfully with each of the three different sections in your Pathfinder grant application (Excellence, Impact and Implementation) and dealing with the related criteria
It is full of tips and best practices and suitable also for potential applicants who either develop a proposal from scratch or they re-submit their own.
Exclusive eCourse on Speed Reading
Double at least your pace in reading and understanding key documents related to European Research (Proposals, supporting material, scientific journals, infoday material, deliverables, etc).
Get the complete package:
- Read faster
- Comprehend the read information better and
- Retain what you read longer!
Access is exclusive to OpenCosmos members but registration is required for free.
Become a member and participate at this course for free
eCourse on developing successful grant applications in MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (PFs)
Learning Objectives
Our training on MSCA PF goes beyond on what is currently available on public guides or is provided via the other trainings and includes key topics based on examples, previously submitted proposals and step-by-step guidance. This course is based on live recordings accompanied with a live Q&A session for clarifying anything else you need.
Become a member and participate at this course for free
Live eCourse on developing successful grant applications in MSCA Doctoral Networks
Thursday 8th September 2022
09:00 - 14:00 CET
Learning Objectives and structure
Our training on MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) goes beyond on what is currently available on public guides or is provided via the other trainings and includes key topics based on examples, previously submitted proposals and step-by-step guidance.
Become a member and participate at this course for free
Exclusive live workshop on mental health and mindfullness as researcher
Date and time to be announced soon
Mindfulness helps you be more effective in today’s busy world as researcher. In this workshop you will evolve your mind to handle challenges with confidence, reduce stress and increase focus both at work and at home and especially in periods of high stress during proposal planning and delivering results. In this workshop you will learn tips and practices in
- Releasing stress
- Improving focus and creativity
- Finding meaning
- Cultivating joy
- Collaborating with difficult people
- Preparing for challenging conversations
- Being resilient after failure
- Facing fear
- Successfully handling change and crisis
Become a member and participate at this course for free
Live coaching on any topics related to grants
Live on demand training and coaching session every month
- Group Coaching: Every month, an one-hour live coaching session with also Q&A session via zoom for any of your challenges and remain competitive in your journey of success towards the top.
- Monthly training on demand: Every month, we add one more training session that anyone of our members can suggest in advance. You suggest and we deliver!
- Vibrant community: Share your challenges and knowledge with like minded members during the live sessions.
Half-day live workshops on Marie Curie Actions
Dates and times to be announced soon
We plan to organise half-day trainings (from 09:00 till 13:00) for each of the upcoming MSCA calls.
1. MSCA COFUND 2022, 9 Feb 2023
2. MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022, 8 Mar 2023